The permanent exhibition on the life and work of Melanchthon
The beautiful Melanchthon House is not only charming from the outside, it also has a lot to offer on the inside. The former home of Philipp Melanchthon, which was built especially for him and his family, has remained almost untouched over the centuries. The building has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. A new building on the neighboring property complements the Melanchthon House and today the permanent exhibition "Philipp Melanchthon: Life - Work - Impact" is housed on an exhibition area of approx. 600 m².
The exhibition section in the new building displays manuscripts, prints, paintings and busts that tell of Melanchthon's significance for the Reformation and for the development of Protestantism. The exhibits include previously unpublished salary receipts and city histories as well as a larger-than-life, painstakingly restored portrait of Melanchthon. In the old residential building you will find illustrations and recreated everyday objects from the time of the Reformation.
Das Melanchthonhaus mit Kindern
Die Ausstellung im Melanchthonhaus ist auch für Familien ein schönes Ziel, denn für Kinder und Jugendliche sind spezielle Elemente angelegt, um keine Langeweile aufkommen zu lassen. Mit einem geheimnisvollen, gusseisernen Schlüssel können Kinder Truhen und Schränke öffnen und versteckte Spiele entdecken. Gemeinsam mit Magdalena, der zehnjährigen Tochter von Melanchthon, entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse des Hauses und werden spielerisch an die Reformationsgeschichte herangeführt.
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