Asisi Panorama mit Plattform
©Tom Schulze, asisi GmbH


Experience medieval Wittenberg from a completely new perspective. A somewhat different excursion destination in Lutherstadt Wittenberg is located in a circular building built especially for this purpose: the Asisi Panorama "Luther 1517". Here you are given an impressive 360° view of medieval life in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Be enchanted by the small scenes, look for Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon and climb the three-storey viewing platform in the middle of the panorama to get a completely new perspective. The scenery ranges from historical events such as the posting of the theses to everyday depictions such as the hustle and bustle of Castle Square.

Asisi-Panorama bei Nacht
©Tom Schulze, asisi GmbH

Night in the panorama

A special experience for visitors of all ages is when dusk falls in the medieval town and then night falls. Black light and special color effects on the huge 360° screen give the scenery a very special atmosphere. Behind the windows, you can now catch a glimpse of beautiful scenes that you may not have noticed during the day.

This sight of a different kind will be on display in Wittenberg until 2029. The idea of the panoramas has grown out of the tradition of giant circular paintings from the 19th century and shows in an impressive way how impressive a painted canvas can be.


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