The life of Martin Luther
Dr. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben on November 10, 1483, the second son of Hans Luder, a mountain farmer. He attended school in Mansfeld from 1488 to 1496 and in Magdeburg in 1497. In Eisenach, he was a student at the Georgenschule from 1498 to 1501.
Martin Luther completed his basic philosophical studies, which he concluded with a doctorate as Magister artium, at the University of Erfurt from 1501 to 1505. He discontinued his subsequent law studies after his thunderstorm experience prompted him to enter the monastery of the Augustinian Hermits.
On April 4, 1507, Martin Luther was ordained a priest in Erfurt Cathedral and began his theological studies. After spending some time in Wittenberg as early as 1508, he received his final appointment in 1511 to the Augustinian Hermit Monastery, today's Luther House, where Martin Luther would remain a resident until the end of his life. In 1512 he received his doctorate in theology and took over the Bible professorship at Wittenberg University.
Martin Luther and Wittenberg's path to the cradle of the Reformation
On October 31, 1517, he published his 95 Theses against the abuse of indulgences and thus set the Reformation in motion. In 1524, the reformer Martin Luther took off his monk's habit and married the former nun Katharina von Bora on June 13, 1525, who bore him three sons and three daughters.
In 1529, Luther wrote the Small Catechism. In addition to the 10 Commandments and the Creed, Luther's catechism includes Faith, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, the Sacrament of the Altar and Holy Communion.
On February 18, 1546, Dr. Martin Luther died during a visit to Eisleben and was buried in the Castle Church at Wittenberg on February 22, 1546. The tomb can still be seen today in the castle church.